Drag over the paragraph mark of the paragraph with the formatting you want to replace.
Drag over the paragraph mark of the paragraph with the formatting you want to copy.
Ensure that paragraph marks are displayed.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 for other instances of text.
To copy text formatting using keyboard shortcuts: Copying text formatting using keyboard shortcuts
To turn off the Format Painter, press Esc.Ģ.
Repeat if necessary by dragging over other text to which you want to copy formatting (if you had double-clicked the Format Painter).
If you drag over an entire paragraph or paragraphs, Word will copy character and paragraph formatting. If you drag over characters only, Word will copy character formatting.
Drag over the text to which you want to copy the formatting.
If you want to copy formatting to multiple instances of text, double-click the Format Painter.
Click the Format Painter on the Home tab in the Ribbon in the Clipboard group.
Select an entire paragraph if you want to copy character and paragraph formatting. Select characters only (such as a word or words) if you want to copy character formatting.
Select the text with the formatting you want to copy.
To copy text formatting using the Format Painter: It appears on the Home tab in the Ribbon in the Clipboard group: The Format Painter is a great tool for copying formatting. Copying text formatting using the Format Painter Click the same command to hide the paragraph marks and other nonprinting symbols.ġ. Paragraph marks, tabs, spacing and other nonprinting characters will display but will not print.
Click Show/Hide ¶ in the Paragraph group.
To view hard returns or paragraph marks and other nonprinting characters in Microsoft Word: Recommended article: How to Check Word Count in Microsoft Word (4 Ways)ĭo you want to learn more about Microsoft Word? Check out our virtual classroom or in-person classroom Word courses > In Word, a paragraph is anything with a hard return after it. You can copy character formatting only (such as font, size, and bold) or both character and paragraph formatting which would include alignment, indents and line spacing. In Microsoft Word, you can copy text formatting quickly and easily using the Format Painter or keyboard shortcuts. Copy Text Formatting in Microsoft Word using the Format Painter or Keyboard Shortcutsīy Avantix Learning Team | Updated April 14, 2022Īpplies to: Microsoft ® Word ® 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021 or 365 (Windows)