The game contains much of the hallmarks that make up the Total War series, but Thrones of Britannia is easily the most experimental title in years, changing up the formula in ways both big and small to great effect. While the leaders of various English, Welsh, Irish, and Viking factions are trying to fulfill their own specific goals, they all boil down to either becoming king or solidifying their rule no conquering the world this time around. Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia is the first game under the Saga banner, set in 878 CE in the British Isles shortly after the Viking king Guthrum was defeated by the Anglo-Saxon king Alfred the Great at the Battle of Edington. All rights reserved.Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia – Creative Assembly All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. Feral and the Feral logo are trademarks of Feral Interactive Ltd. Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. Mac and macOS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. Developed for and published on macOS and Linux by Feral Interactive Ltd.

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