How to Clean out CC with S4S by How to Run a BatchFix with S4S by How to Edit/Change Skin Detail Categories using S4S by me.You can find the official S4S Tutorial List here. (The “Disallow CC for Random” batchfix is essential for me I run it periodically to catch new CAS CC that isn’t tagged properly.) The UI is pretty friendly, and it’s fairly simple to get started.

S4S allows you to make simple edits to fix problems or make your CC life easier, and comes with a TON of useful batchfixes to fix some of the more common problems that occur with CC. Sims4Studio (S4S) is an essential program for any Sims 4 player who dabbles in CC, whether you’re creating it from scratch or simply downloading and using other creator’s CC in game.

Sims4Studio ( Windows Version | Mac Version)